

castAna Asensio, Natasha Romanova, David Little, Nicholas Tucci, Larry Fessenden, Caprice Benedetti, Anna Myrha, Ami Sheth, Miriam A. Hyman, Sara Visser, Natalia Zvereva
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– Shows in Original Version with Italian subtitles – (English)
Proiezioni in Lingua Originale con sottotitoli in italiano nei giorni ed orario indicati (Inglese)

Agghiacciante ritratto della lotta per la sopravvivenza di una giovane e bella donna, che trovatasi sola in una metropoli come New York, accetta uno strano lavoro per una serata…

MOST BEAUTIFUL ISLAND is a psychological thriller examining the plight of undocumented female immigrants hoping to make a life in New York. Shot on Super 16 with an intimate, voyeuristic sensibility, the film chronicles one harrowing day in the life of Luciana, a young immigrant woman struggling to make ends meet while striving to escape her past. As Luciana’s day unfolds, she is whisked, physically and emotionally, through a series of troublesome, unforeseeable extremes. Before her day is done, she inadvertently finds herself a central participant in a cruel game. Lives are placed at risk, while psyches are twisted and broken for the perverse entertainment of a privileged few.